Profiling the Profession
2020 Report
Executive Summary
2020 Profiling the Profession Methodology
Organisations’ Results
1.1 Size of UK Archaeology
1.2 Organisations’ Disability Rates and Reporting
1.3 Organisations’ Harassment Policies & Procedures
1.4 Organisations’ Skills Needs & Development
1.5 Development-led Archaeology Turnover and Profit
1.6 Development-led Archaeology Health & Safety
1.6.1 Methods of collecting and calculating injury results
1.7 Development-led Archaeology Market & Business Sentiment
1.8 Archaeological Archives and Collections
1.9 Development-led Archaeology Sources of Income
1.10 Perceptions of Market Conditions in Development-Led Archaeology
Individuals’ Results
2.1 Geographical Distribution of Archaeologists
2.2 Contracts of Employment for Archaeologists
2.3 Nationalities of Archaeologists
2.4 Genders of Archaeologists
2.5 Ages of Archaeologists
2.6 Ethnicities of Archaeologists
2.7 Sexualities of Archaeologists
2.8 Disabled / Enabled Archaeologists
2.9 Archaeologists’ Duties as Carers
2.10 Archaeologists’ Socio-economic Backgrounds
2.11 Archaeologists’ Qualifications
2.12 Archaeologists’ Sick Absences
2.13 Archaeologists and Alcohol
2.14 Employed & Self-employed Archaeologists
2.15 Archaeologists’ Length of Employment & Experience
2.16 Archaeologists’ Employment Benefits
2.17 Archaeologists’ Income and Hours Worked
2.18 Bullying and Harassment of Archaeologists
2.18.1 Confidence in Bullying / Harassment Data
2.19 Archaeology Sub-sector (areas of practice) Profiles
3.1 Archaeology Students and Career Goals
4.1 Former Archaeologists
2012 Report
2007 Report
2002 Report
1997 Report
2020 Report
Executive Summary
2020 Profiling the Profession Methodology
Organisations’ Results
1.1 Size of UK Archaeology
1.2 Organisations’ Disability Rates and Reporting
1.3 Organisations’ Harassment Policies & Procedures
1.4 Organisations’ Skills Needs & Development
1.5 Development-led Archaeology Turnover and Profit
1.6 Development-led Archaeology Health & Safety
1.6.1 Methods of collecting and calculating injury results
1.7 Development-led Archaeology Market & Business Sentiment
1.8 Archaeological Archives and Collections
1.9 Development-led Archaeology Sources of Income
1.10 Perceptions of Market Conditions in Development-Led Archaeology
Individuals’ Results
2.1 Geographical Distribution of Archaeologists
2.2 Contracts of Employment for Archaeologists
2.3 Nationalities of Archaeologists
2.4 Genders of Archaeologists
2.5 Ages of Archaeologists
2.6 Ethnicities of Archaeologists
2.7 Sexualities of Archaeologists
2.8 Disabled / Enabled Archaeologists
2.9 Archaeologists’ Duties as Carers
2.10 Archaeologists’ Socio-economic Backgrounds
2.11 Archaeologists’ Qualifications
2.12 Archaeologists’ Sick Absences
2.13 Archaeologists and Alcohol
2.14 Employed & Self-employed Archaeologists
2.15 Archaeologists’ Length of Employment & Experience
2.16 Archaeologists’ Employment Benefits
2.17 Archaeologists’ Income and Hours Worked
2.18 Bullying and Harassment of Archaeologists
2.18.1 Confidence in Bullying / Harassment Data
2.19 Archaeology Sub-sector (areas of practice) Profiles
3.1 Archaeology Students and Career Goals
4.1 Former Archaeologists
2012 Report
2007 Report
2002 Report
1997 Report